The pigeon is a very common bird in Canada. It weighs about 369 g and is 28 cm. long. It usually is gray, but can go from white to beige to black. Pigeons have a white rump and a black band on its tail.
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Life Cycle
After mating, the female pigeon lays 1 or 2 eggs. She will lay again even before the young leave the nest at the age of 4 to 6 weeks, rapidly multiplying reproduction. In captivity, pigeons can live up to 15 years but in the wild lives less than 4 years because of lack of food and water, diseases, predators and other factors environment.
Habitat and Food
Since pigeons are dependent on humans for shelter and food, they are generally found in large numbers in urban areas. They can be found in attics, bell towers, architectural ornaments on roofs or facades, window sills, eaves troughs and roofs. Pigeons feed primarily on seeds, fruits and sometimes invertebrates. In urban areas, they eat bread, cake, popcorn, raisins and peanuts.
Undesirable Effects
Their acidic excrements of pigeons cause structural damage, damage outdoor surface finishes, not to mention stains on buildings requiring long and expensive cleaning that needs to be done frequently. The droppings of these birds may also contain organisms responsible for several diseases. A large group of pigeons can cause unpleasant odors and are noisy.
Signs of Presence
Pigeons are very comfortable around humans and can be noisy, thus their presence is very obvious. Also, the damage caused by their droppings on sculptures and buildings are very visible.